How To Grow Geraniums And How To Prune It

If you’ve never considered growing geraniums, you should consider planting them in your garden this year because they are beautiful and easy to care for. Classic geraniums love hot weather, resist drought well, and brighten the garden in a variety of colors. No wonder it’s been a garden favorite for years! With this guide, we…

5 Most Beautiful White Sunflower Varieties

Who isn’t enchanted when they see sunflowers? The typical yellow sunflower varieties are enough to enthrall us and make us feel like we’re seeing the sun down here on earth. But did you know there are white sunflower varieties too? My sister recently gifted me with a few white sunflower seeds, and it was quite the excitement as I…

How To Prune A Lemon Tree: Growing And Producing

Long before the current pandemic hit us, I was drinking green tea with lemon slices every day. Sometimes I also add some ginger when I have time. You may have seen posts about growing lemon trees from seeds or growing lemon trees indoors. So, in today’s article we will learn how to prune a lemon…

How to Grow a Redbud Tree And Its Care

The redbud tree is one of the first trees to bloom in spring and it is truly spectacular! This tree is not as famous as it is known. You might miss most of the flowering trees on a walk in the park or on your way home from get off work, but redbuds are known…

How to Grow a Hydrangea Tree: All You Need To Know

If you are interested in keeping other parts of the hydrangea to grow as one or more additional bushes, remove as much dirt from the plant’s root ball as possible. The key is to expose the roots and base of the plant so you know where to make the cuts. Make sure the sides of…

15 Climbing Plants for Pergolas

Check out these climbers on a pergola in the garden. These plants and trees are also easy to grow in small gardens. There are many climbing plants that, by pruning and tying, can be grown in pergolas to provide welcome shade in warmer weather. To help you out, we’ve listed the best pergola plants for…

How to Grow a Crepe Myrtle Tree

Many people think that the crape myrtle tree is somewhere between a shrub and a tree, so it is often misunderstood and therefore not well cared for. However, with proper care, this beautiful and hardy flowering tree of crape myrtle can be an eye-catching addition to the landscape. Although native to South Asia, crape myrtle…

Discover 7 Rare and Unusual Indoor Succulents

Most succulents make excellent houseplants. They’re low maintenance, and since most plants come from hot, dry climates, they can get a little neglect. Indoor succulent collections often start with stone lotus or jade plants. They are like a gateway to the world of succulents. If you’ve had these for a while, and maybe even propagated…

7 Methods to Promote Bougainvillea Blooms

To increase bougainvillea flower numbers and stimulate flowering, place bougainvilleas in full sun, but make sure they get fewer than 12 hours of daylight as they are short-day plants. Watering potted bougainvillea once a week creates an optimal balance between water and drought stress, which promotes more flowering. Native to Brazil, bougainvillea is native to…

How To Reuse Eggshells For Your Plants As Fertilizer

In my garden, I absolutely try to grow everything as naturally as possible. I use many techniques to achieve this, from composting to trench composting to deep cover gardening. One of our neighbors also taught me how to use raw eggs in the garden. How to use Eggs for your Garden When planted in a…