How to Make and Use Aloe Vera Foliar Spray for Fertilizer Your Plants: Flowers

Aloe Vera is renowned in the world of natural health and skin care for its healing, soothing and refreshing properties. The Egyptians even called Aloe “the plant of immortality”! Rich in nutrients, enzymes and antioxidants, aloe vera offers numerous benefits to humans when applied topically or ingested – including increased hydration, digestion, cell regeneration, wound…

How to Plant a Lavender Hedge Easily

Depending on the variety, the leaves range from dark green to silvery gray. Delicate purple flowers adorn each spike. Lavender grows well in containers, or you can plant a lavender hedge to frame the landscape. Once planted, the hedge will grow about one to two feet high, with a spread of one to five feet…

Know 8 Best Homemade Natural Plant Fertilizers

Too many people overlook the importance of fertilizing houseplants. However, proper fertilization is essential to growing healthy, beautiful plants. Unlike outdoor gardens, where nature provides rain and plants can grow new roots to find food, the nutrients available to indoor plants are strictly limited by the amount of soil in the pot and the extra…

How to grow strawberries: Great tips

Vitamin C-rich fruits are also rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that provide a wealth of health benefits. Plus, homegrown strawberries are organic, taste much better than store-bought, and can save you a lot of money because you don’t have to pay supermarket prices—on average, a box of strawberries on the market can range from…

7 Most expensive succulents

Collecting succulents has become a very popular hobby in recent years. Part of the reason for this popularity is that many of these plants are readily available and inexpensive. People also love succulents because they are generally low maintenance plants that don’t require much attention to thrive. As long as they get plenty of sun…

Top 10 Most beautiful Flowers in the world

Flowers represent beauty in their purest form and are one of life’s most delightful and simple pleasures. Whether it’s adding pop to your interior or bringing a beautiful smile to your loved one, there’s nothing quite like a beautiful flower arrangement. With bright colors, beautiful patterns and captivating designs, the flowers will melt your heart…

Most beautiful colorful trees for small garden

Trees provide structure, screens and shade, as well as color that continues throughout the seasons, creating a sense of enclosure, and their height draws the eye up and out, helping to connect the land and sky – no reason if chosen well Do this. A chic outdoor space should stop you from introducing them. Your…

7 Beautiful indoor plants to grow in water

Indoor plants that grow in water are different from aquatic or aquatic plants.  It’s important to understand the difference. Indoor plants that grow in water are those that grow naturally in soil. However, some of these plants can also grow successfully in water; some require less TLC than others (more on this later in this…

10 Ways to get Peace Lilies bloom

Learn how to make the Peace Lily bloom and brighten your interior with its subtle touch of elegance, beauty and serenity! If you’re a big fan of white flowers (bracts), peace lily must be on your bucket list. While indoor plants are hardy and thrive with little maintenance, flowering will grab most of your attention…

10 Ways to care for your Orchid

While living in cold places, I discovered my love for orchids. Since it’s been so cold for so long, the plants in the house add a little joy to the house. Orchids are easy to care for. They require very little water, and once they bloom, you can enjoy these flowers for months! Here are…